Our experience - Electronic media
2000 -2001
- Introduction and acceptance of a television company’s new channel names
- Preparation and introduction of the television company’s new corporate image
- Implementing the new corporate image in every device
- Creation and introduction of the television company’s advertising image
- Introduction of the completely new channel design
- Introduction of new television headlines, separating wishes, design
- Design and implementation of television image campaign
- The television company’s Brand building
- Conduction of television program promotions representing image values
- Conduction of marketing campaigns related to television programs
- Creation strengthening internal and external PR for the television company
- Preparation and management of the company’s press relations
- Directing the communication press events of the television company
2001 – 2002
- Preparation and introduction of a commercial radio’s completely new image
- Complete renewal of the radio’s content
- Execution of the radio’s strategic tasks
- Market positioning of the radio
- Building the radio brand
- Complete renewal of the radio’s advertising image
- Directing the radio’s press appearances
- Creating media partner relations
- Increasing the radio’s advertising revenues
2012 – 2015
- Completely new portal development of a thematic website
- Market repositioning of the thematic website
- Organising the website’s content production
- Creation of the website’s advertising surfaces
- Creation of AFS surfaces on the website
- Increasing the website’s advertising revenues
- Creating media partner relations
- Preparation and introduction of the website’s advertising image
- Complete business management of the website’s operation