Our experience - Car industry
- Communication of introducing the car brand’s passenger car types to the Hungarian market
- Familiarization of car types in Hungary
- Organisation of press public events for presenting passenger car types
- Conduction of car types appearance in the trade press
- Organisation of PR campaigns for passenger car types
- Creation of the car brand’s national image, construction of its presence in Hungary
- Support of communication contact between the centre and the national dealer network
- Publication and national distribution of materials presenting passenger cars
- Display of passenger car types at trade shows
- Branding of passenger car types
- Display of passenger car types in the national trade press
- Guarantee of journalists’ participation at national and international passenger car shows
- Support of the dealer network’s sales labour by organising local events
- Organising the annual events for the dealer network
- Satisfying the local marketing requirements of the dealer network
- Generating continuous active presence in the national entertainment and trade press
- Increasing the familiarisation and reputation of passenger cars
- Organisation and conduction of appearance at professional events